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Berry Season Finishing Up

Admin • August 13, 2022

Hello Folks.

Sadly, the blueberry and raspberry season is already coming to a quick ending. Few blueberries left of the Blue Ray variety, have to search for the elusive blue ones already. Thanks everyone for such a great season. Shall remain open for approx another week for those that need the last berries of our short season.

By Admin July 28, 2022
The Farm is currently selling blueberries every day from 8am until 6pm daily. We hope to have raspberries through the month of July. The 3rd Annual Farmer’s Market is every Tuesday through the month of September behind the renovated, historic barn. We have farm fresh produce, honey, maple, baked goods, and many other small businesses selling products. Live music every week. Hours are 5-8pm changing to 4-7pm on Aug 9th. We understand that this being an election year that our fellow Vermonter’s running for office which to engage with the public. We encourage and invite our fellow Vermonters to engage the public here with just a few ground rules: – They must contact the farm and let us know they are coming – They must set up a tent and booth like the vendors. They are not allowed to wander the market discussing politics. – They are not allowed to speak on the public address system or have amplification  And the Farm is excited that Palmer Lane Maple Bus is here weekly set up at the Farmer’s Market.
By Admin March 1, 2022
Hello Everyone It’s the first of March, our trees are all tapped and ready for the next warm spell. Last week we got a good run, collected sap and boiled for the first time this season. First boil just sweetens the pan. It takes a lot of sap to make maple syrup the first time. The sap was 1.9% sweet, meaning 86/1.9 = 45 gal of sap to make just one gallon of maple syrup. The front pan was almost maple syrup, just not enough sap to back it up for a draw off. Next boil should result in a quick large 8-10 gal batch of maple syrup ! We boil the sap using a Leader 30″ wide and 10′ long Vortex evaporator with a 6′ steamaway on the back pan. The “rig” can boil off up to 300 gallons of water per hour. It requires an hour after firing to just cool everything down after a boil. We fire the evaporator every 6 minutes with firewood, with all of that heat it’s important to monitor the level of the pan so as to not burn it.  Once we boil again we shall be open for sale of that fresh maple syrup our customers are use too.
By Admin November 15, 2021
Hello Everyone Last year we kind of oversold our cut your own Christmas trees at this time. This spring we had a problem with the Gypsy caterpillars which did damage to several 6-7 trees. I had to cut out several that were completely stripped. Many others were bare at the top. Also due to Covid, there is a serious lack of labor at many other Christmas tree Farms. Thus even starting in May, we were unable to locate any pre-cut trees at any reasonable price. One farm we contacted, was selling pre-cuts wholesale, minimum order of 500 for $50 each and that did NOT include shipping. And they were sold out already. Its going to be a tough year to find Christmas trees, the Farm has made the difficult decision to not sell trees this season., We will only be stronger for it next year, 2022 season. I don’t believe we will even have trees to transplant spring of 2022. Our regular supplier was sold out by May of this year. We are next on the list if they have any remaining. Its been a rough year with Covid and all of the supply and labor issues for everyone. Thank you for being understanding. Purinton Tree Farm in Huntington has beautiful trees as well as Handy Tree Farm in the south end of Williston. 
By Admin August 22, 2021
Due to the shorter days now, the Market is starting at 4pm and ending at 7pm for the remainder of the season. Season runs through August. There are still blueberries, many of the ones left may be soft, several bushes still have beautiful blueberries ripening. Open Daily for berry picking 8am until dusk. The farm also has some maple syrup for sale. We have the medium and dark amber as well as a limited supply of grade B available. Prices for maple syrup are $30 half gal, $18 quart and $12 pint.
By Admin August 6, 2021
Hello Everyone Thanks for checking the farms blog. Today, Aug 6th we still have oodles of blueberries. The early Bluecrop and Duke berries are almost done but the Blueray and Patriot are just ripening now. We are still picking lots of blueberries. Sadly the raspberry season is winding down now, still selling a few pints a day. Black currants are for the taking, one row of those down at the end of the raspberries. We sue chickens for pest control, please do not chase the chickens and pets not allowed for sanitary reasons.  Hours are 8am until dusk daily Blueberries are $6 quart and $3 pint. We also have the medium and dark amber maple syrup for sale. Still have a limited supply of the old grade B available as well. We accept cash, check and venmo.
By Admin July 9, 2021
Today, Thursday July 8th we are opening for this seasons 2021 PYO blueberry season !!! We have several rows now ripening, expecting a huge weekend coming up. Blueberries: $6 qt. $3 pint. Raspberries: $8 qt. $4 pint Cash, check or Venmo. No cards please. We have plenty of quart and pint containers. Cardboard boxes to help with multiple berry containers. Guidelines No chasing chickens or feeding chickens No running please through bushes Picnic tables available
By Admin July 5, 2021
The blueberries are just starting to ripen. We need a few more days of sunshine. Planning on being open by week-end or soon after. Its up to Mother Nature !! Hours will be 8am until 6pm, closed on Tuesdays.
By Admin July 2, 2021
This recent rain has been a welcome addition to the Isham Farm and the berries. The blueberries are turning purple now, after the rain this week-end followed by a couple of days of sun we should have blueberries for sale !! We hope to open possibly Monday or Tuesday for PYO July 5th or 6th. We hope to have already picked blueberries for sale at next weeks Market on July 6th as well. PYO blueberries and raspberries hours will be 8am until 6pm this summer. We accept cash, check or venmo. $6 quart for blueberries and $8 quart for raspberries.  All of our crops, hay recently re-planted, pumpkins, Christmas trees and even the maple trees are grateful for Mother Nature’s soft rain. The rain has also activated the fungus which kills the Gypsy Moth caterpillars. Lets love our summer !! Its fleeting and way too short. Some useful tips: The entire Farm is a no-smoking area. Please do not smoke. Please leave your pets at home. We love dogs but can not allow them due to sanitary conditions and the free range chickens. Trash policy is carry-in, carry-out Porta Potty located on back side of sugarhouse Picnic tables located on grounds for picnicing Please do NOT chase or bother the chickens. They are all we use for pest control. Please monitor your children Respectful picking, do not throw berries, break branches and run through the berry bushes.
By Admin March 15, 2021
The farm has been boiling Mother Nature’s sap into maple syrup when weather permits. Due to Covid this season we are sorry but can not allow visitors in the sugarhouse. We have maple syrup for sale at the back door of the house. Please call ahead and we can leave the maple syrup on the back steps of the house with a container for payment. So far we have been boiling a delicious Medium Amber / Amber Rich maple syrup. Its been cold so far this week yet the weather is looking better in the days ahead.  Use to be years ago we never got the buckets out and started tapping until Town Meeting Day first week of March. So although its been cold this season, its no different than years past. We expect a great season, we might even get another snow storm. We expect we shall soon by mowing grass in a few more months.
By Admin February 22, 2021
The Farms First; Earth Summer Series link
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